Hello Peter, 

On 26 October 2005, 07:26 you wrote:

> 1.Hanging connections

Not with 3.6.11... the new queue.

> 2.Inability to delete parked messages from remote outbox (now and
> then)

I don't use the remote Outbox since it's unreliable. I'd prefer to see
a Drafts folder implemented.

> 3.Inability to delete some messages from the inbox (now and then)

Yes, but not for some time and certainly not with 3.61.11.

> 4.Messages disappearing! (were there in the inbox but re-selecting
> inbox they were gone - even from then server! I have no filters)

Yes, but not for some time and certainly not with 3.61.11. I now
include the following in my .procmailrc just in case:

:0 c

> 5.Messages are often left in the outbox after sending (probably
> related to 1), leading to multiple resends.

I think this is a consequence of using the remote Outbox.

> Most of these issues _were_ actually fixed in earlier versions. For
> many of my accounts, I have switched IMAP server, but the issues 1,
> 2, 3 are also there on Exchange.

I guess we will have to wait for the new queue to be implemented. This
is scheduled for the next beta series*. The major problem with 3.61.11
is a delay before messages are displayed plus the speed in which
counters are updated. And of course, folder management doesn't work
well at all and threading is still not working without a folder

*Whenever that is. Does the recent change in numbering signify a new
beta series?

As ever,
  .\\artin | ICQ 15893823

"It is certain because it is impossible." TERTULLIAN, c AD160-225
IMAP Client: The Bat! Version 3.61.11 Echo (Beta)
IMAPS Server: Dovecot | OS: Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2)

 Current beta is 3.62.01 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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