Hello Paul Van Noord & everyone else,

on 18-Okt-2006 at 22:50 you (Paul Van Noord) wrote:

> I get irritated when I have multiple users wanting their own desktop,
> etc. but share a single email account.

Thats not a problem here. My admin account and my normal work account
don't share the same mail data, in fact the admin account doesn't even
have/use any mail account. I treat my user account as my "personal"
account and keep the admin account free from any personalisation (other
than those that help me do administrative tasks).

> I have not found a way to install TB so that it is available to
> selected, or all, users on a given machine. I think we should have an
> installation option to make it available to all users when desired as
> Opera, Irfanview and other good programs.

Well, TB did install its shortcuts in the Start menu alright, but I was
surprised to not find TB in the list of installed programs. I know the
feature you're mentioning with regards to the start menu and desktop
shortcuts etc., but I didn't know that items in the control panel/arp
sections could be hidden from one user while being visible to others.

Is this maybe a bug in the TB MSI installation, or a feature?

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de)

One of life's mysteries is how a two pound box of candy can make a
woman gain five pounds.

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