Hello Mark
On Sunday, May 6, 2007 you wrote:

RG>> I changed the iexplore to Maxthon %1 and - sorry it didn't work - I
RG>> still get the error

> I suppose you did not change it to:

> "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Maxthon.exe" "%1"     

> Tried it with Maxthon (not the 2-Beta (I do run that on another PC), i.e. the
> 1.5.9 (build 80) version.

> As opposed for Netcaptor, for Maxthon that should be:

> "E:\Program Files\Maxthon\Maxthon.exe" "%1"

> Of course, to be adjusted to your settings as far as HD is concerned.

> Also be sure to check that this applies to all of the associations. It's not
> always obvious to find which is the one that is used by TB!...

I am using Maxthon 2. I tried your suggestion several ways but - no
deal - it didn't work

Could I ask what your DDE settings are? Mine are ("%1",,-1,0,,,,) I am
not really sure how to read these :))


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