Dear Thomas,

@1-Jun-2008, 01:45 +0700 (31-May 19:45 here) Thomas Fernandez [TF] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

... <snip>

MDP>> It is by design, I believe, but the design does feel uncomfortable to me.

TF> Confirmed.

TF> Since it is apparently by design, would the request to change have to
TF> be a wishhlist entry rather than a bug report? Wishlist entries take
TF> longer to get attention. Or should we wait for Ritlabs to confirm
TF> whether this is a bug or WAD?

It's really a bug. There's clearly an internal a flag that says "Body
has been edited - do not re-apply template". There clearly should be a
similar flag for the address.

Having said that, I think Stef tried to get it sorted out once but it
ended up worse. Some address changes *do* require a body re-evaluation
since, e.g., you may be intending to trigger a specific address book
template to reformat the message body.

A balance is what we need. Separate evaluation of the manual
modification state of the address headers and to ignore recipient
changes when re-evaluating the template. Perhaps it's to do with
timing. The template is being re-evaluated when moving into the body
edit window. I can see the logic there too - all header changes are
complete - it's the best time to re-evaluate the body content. But if
the template used calls for a change to manually edited headers - that
should be protected somehow.


Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v4.0.24.16 on Windows Vista 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1

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