Hello Jens,

On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 10:34:15 +0100 GMT (25/Feb/09, 16:34 +0700 GMT),
Jens Franik wrote:

>> I don't use Sender/Recipient, I only use 'Header contains'

JF> Thats blurred, i guess.

Call it what you want, I've always used it this way and it does
exactly what I need.

JF> I filter with 'Receipient contains u...@domain.eu'

You are limiting yourself, but that's OK. Your choice. You will still
have that choice when (if) my wish is implemented.

JF> If i would tick in/outgoing i need seperate Filter Actions for
JF> in/outgoing, because 'Receipient' would change to 'Sender'.

No. If you still want to have seperate filters (one for recipient for
outgoing messages, and another one for sender for incoming messages)
you can still do that. But they would still have to be two seperate
filters. As they are now. No change.

My scenario is just more efficient, even if you find it blurred.

JF> Maybe it could be possible to have a global valid filter rule with
JF> checkbox 'valid for all Filteractions of this Filter' and if this is
JF> not checked, you can access the other Tabs with different filter
JF> rules for in/out/...

I have difficulties following this line of thought.

JF> Maybe i should draw it?

If you are serious, you might have an idea that is useful. I just
don't understand what you mean. Looking forward for your drawing.



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