Hey Tim,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60q) Personal
to write the following on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 12:06:01 PM.

TM> Hey Marck,

TM> My MUA believes you used Ritlabs SecureBat! (v1.60q)
TM> to write the following on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 11:35:59 AM.

MO>>>> Maybe the info is to be found somewhere in the non-english
MO>>>> documentation...

>>> I got it running, but haven't been able to do anything...

>>> Marck, wondering if this should go to TBOT? or is it ok here. Also,
>>> does anyone know if there is a list for BatPost?

MDP>> I don't know of a list for BatPost. TBOT is a bit of a stretch, but
MDP>> TBTECH seems an appropriate place for such a conversation.

TM> TBTECH it is then...

Cool! I used telnet (port 25) to connect to BatPost, then TB to pop
the message down!

Do I know what I am doing, no..., but it still seems *very* cool! I
wonder what RIT is going to charge for it.

Lots of options that I can't seem to figure out.  ie, in the
Configurator\Options\SMTPAuth\Local: there is a default of "Enable 3".
Any idea what that stuff is?

It looks like it is a POA with MTA features built in.  Lots of options
that I can't figure out...  Seems to be able to do both POP, IMAP, and
SMTP.  <speculation>Did they write this so they could have their own
IMAP server and be able to get into the core of it while updating TB!
to do IMAP better? <g> </speculation>

MUA = TB! v1.60q (www.RitLabs.com/The_Bat)
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
If you drink, don't park.  Accidents cause people.

Archives   : http://tbtech.thebat.dutaint.com
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