Hi there!

On 21 Nov 99, at 13:25, Pasquale J. Festa Sr. wrote
    about "Re[2]: Clicking on a sender w/ alt ":

> >> Who volenteers the rewrite the help file (g)
> AVK> AFAIK, the new and better help file will be one of the most 
> AVK> characteristic features of long-expected version 2:-)) 
> I sure hope so!, as a newbie with this program, the help file is
> almost as useless as star offices 5.1.
> I noticed that less time is spent on the help files of most new    new
> programs, and some are requiring that you go to their web sites.

Well, as far as I understand (please do not take this as an 
official statement of RIT labs, I'm not affiliated to them at all; the 
only thing is that since I'm Russian I've got better chances of 
communicating with them on "their own ground", that's all), they 
decided not to focus on rewriting the help file for 1.xx series 
since the upcoming 2.x will be in many aspects of it's GUI quite 
different from the current version, therefore they are quite likely 
to focus on writing a better online help for 2.x.

Note however that the *official* (i.e. non-beta) 2.x apparently 
won't be released in the nearest future, so this very list will 
probably remain the best (and almost only:-)) source of 
additional info about the program for the new users of it.

Hence I fully support the opinion of Paula Ford expressed in 
her most recent posting: let's concentrate on helping people 
rather then on personal attacks on them. 

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  If a series of events can go wrong, it will do so in the worst
  possible sequence.

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