Monday, November 22, 1999

Hello Pasquale,

Monday, Monday, November 22, 1999, you wrote:

Pasquale> Hello Alexander,

Pasquale> Sunday, November 21, 1999, 4:12:02 PM, you wrote:

AVK>> Hi there!

AVK>> On 21 Nov 99, at 9:53, Steve Lamb wrote
AVK>>     about "Re: (No Subject)":

>>> Sunday, November 21, 1999, 6:36:55 AM, Alexander wrote:
>>> > *many* people on this list *do not* understand your American
>>> > slang
>>>     Funny, I'm not using slang in the least bit.

AVK>> Funny, then how comes that I hardly understand *you* when 
AVK>> *clearly* understanding Paula Ford and (most of the time) Ali 
AVK>> Martin? Of cause, my English is quite limited (besides, I 
AVK>> presume *your* Russian is even worse then that, am I right?:-
AVK>> )), but it *needn't* be better then it is. I have *no need* in better 
AVK>> English at all: almost all non-Russian-speaking mathematicians 
AVK>> I'm communicating with routinely speak English even worse 
AVK>> then I do; morethanthat, we usually clearly understand each 
AVK>> other. 

AVK>> Besides, my level of understanding English (based on my own 
AVK>> experience on the good number of English-speaking mailing 
AVK>> lists) shows, that you're probably the only *native* English-
AVK>> speaker whose English is (sometimes) hard for me to 
AVK>> understand. (Oh, pardon, there's one Australian on Pegasus 
AVK>> mailing list too, but that's a completely other story: he just hates 
AVK>> to use commas and periods:-) Kind of I know all the words he 
AVK>> uses, but it's extremely hard to gain the meaning:-)))

AVK>> I know absolutely *no* American slang, but basing on the 
AVK>> above-stated thoughts I came to the strong conclusion that it's 
AVK>> slang that I'm finding myself hard to understand in your 
AVK>> postings. If I'm wrong here, my apologies directly to you. 

AVK>> SY, Alex
AVK>> (St.Petersburg, Russia)

Pasquale> What slangs do you not understand?, send e-mail to me privately and
Pasquale> I'll help on the slangs I know. Now I'll will dust off my OLD high
Pasquale> school russian / english dictionary.
I saw on the net that there seems to be a decent translator around
(Alex probably disagrees with the decent part)  but that might help
you as well. I havent seen it but it was mentioned somewhere.
ref slang:
I think there is some USA slang dictionary around.
But again Alex, not sure that would be of any use.
Some people write difficult english, others donot and I am sure its
the same in any Language.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38 Beta/2 


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