Hi Co-Batties,

<Friday, December 10, 1999>

VDE>>> since 1.3 I ask it every release again and again: Why is there no
VDE>>> shortcut for printing in the main view? I hate to go through the menu
VDE>>> every time I want to print a message ... anyone else?

>> I understand we can configure our own shortcuts in version 2.

AM> You'll be able to configure shortcuts, not create your own. There is no
AM> keyboard shortcut provided for printing messages via the main window. You
AM> have to use the menu. However, in folder view, the shortcut CTRL+P is
AM> implemented and works. There are a couple other things that makes me prefer
AM> reading my mail via the folder view window rather than the message
AM> auto-view.

But, hey, it can't be a big deal to provide a consistant shortcut behaviour,
thus providing Ctrl+P in main window's auto-view ... or?

BTW: The auto-view is quick and easy - so why should I switch to another mode?
Where are the advantages?



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