Carsten Dreesbach wrote:

> Hello TBUDL,
> can anyone give me a hint of how to accomplish automatically sending a
> copy of messages to another e-mail address at the time of sending? The
> reason  I  want to do this is because I have both work and home e-mail
> accounts set up in both locations and I want to send a copy of mails I
> send  in both cases to the other address, i.e. sending mails from work
> using  my  home account should get a copy sent to my home account (and
> then  automatically  put  into the Sent folder there, but that's not a
> problem) and vice versa from home. Clear?
> I had set up something like this:
> Outgoing filter
> filters on Sender: <my e-mail address>, Yes
> Action: (I tried various, each one was done separately)
> 1. Forward to <my home address>
> 2. Redirect the message to <my home address>
> 3. Create a message for <my home address>
> Initially  I had set up sending immediate, which caused a self-spam of
> endlessly repeated messages! *grin* Not such a good idea!
> Can anyone tell me how to set this up properly?
> Also  another  question: when are filters on read mail triggered? They
> never seem to start, and I would have thought that once the message is
> marked  as  read,  it  should  trigger  this  filter - doesn't seem to
> happen. Anything special I need to do?

The simplest solution I've found so far is just add the %BCC="address"
macro to all your templates.  Then I have an Incoming mail Template set
up to move any messages from me to my sent folder.  That way it looks
almost exactly as though I sent the messages from the local machine,
well, at least to the approximation I need.

Actually, if you have a lot of templates that would be affected, instead
of adding just the %BCC macro, add a common quick template to all of them
with the %BCC in there.  That way you can update the address quickly if
ever you choose to change it, or if you wanted to add another address to
the list.

Thanks for writing!

Januk Aggarwal

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