Tuesday, January 11, 2000, 1:15:51 PM, Claudius wrote:
> I don't think so. Almost all mail clients do perfectly offer all the
> options you described -- and George described to be besic features.

    No, they do not.  Do you really want me to get into my rant about how
email clients are a shadow of what they could be based on my experience with
past software on older hardware?

> I'd rather have spell checking than IMAP. I'd rather have html-viewing
> than IMAP.

    Neither have anything to do with the core of an email client and can be
provided with other applications.  Furthermore what you want is provided in
dozens of other applications.  So far only one other client has done IMAP
*half-right*, Lookout!.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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