Hello Allie Martin,
On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 05:56:11  -0500 GMT your local time,
which was Friday, January 21, 2000, 5:56:11 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Allie Martin wrote:

Allie> On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 18:52:26 +0700, tracer wrote:

\>>>>  X-News gives a  reformat facility. Agent says nothing on the matter.

>> I never reformat my news

Allie>     Well, you should, especially if it needs to be to make it easier for
Allie> people to read it. :)
It is easy, I start a sentence at the begin of a line and goto the
next one before its gets to long.
I may add a paragraph or so where required but I rarely post long
pieces of proza...

>>>> :) You cannot paste as quote and you cannot configure the editors
>>>> color scheme.

>> I donot use colours for news

Allie>     That's you. :)
I know, I havent seen them either, all my Agent msgs come in as
black... except for links! (I may even be wrong about the colour...)

>>>> I can't imagine how the editor can be like this and there is no
>>>> facility (unless it's hidden) to use an external editor.

>> But I donot NEED one. Adimittedly its a bit like typing the old 80*24
>> line monitors but who minds...

Allie>     I do. I just gave my opinion, remember? I didn't declare that no-one
Allie> should use it. I take my message formatting seriously since I strongly
Allie> feel that it's good courtesy to make your reader comfortable.
As you say its personal but on the groups where I post it would be a
total waste...
Anyway, I understand why you want it and different newsgroups have
different users/requirements...

>>>> When I copy and paste text to 'message cleaner' it's done in a buggy
>>>> fashion as well (that's unbelievable. I didn't know such a thing could
>>>> happen).

>> Whats mesg cleaner? never used it...

Allie>     I copy text from the client into 'message cleaner' which cleans up the
Allie> formatting for me. I don't have to use it with TB! provided the '>' quote
Allie> prefix is used.
Different usage as you say..
I want my news to transfer fast and thus save money, be multiple
server and be convenient to use.
Admittedly Agent isnt all I would want but the editor part has never
bothered me.
ONLY time I ever had problem was that I didnt know that every window
can set its own scroll lock so it that keys gets pressed in the wrong
window it can cause a lot of headscratching. Luckily their support
sorted it out fast

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