tracer wrote...

t> I think under windows 2000 it will do japanese... It does chinese even
t> if I cannot read it....
t> If you can send me some Japanese I can read it with the japanese fonts
t> snapshot them and send them back to see if it IS
t> japanese...

   The problem with Japanese is that there are several different
   encoding schemes, so you need a mechanism for detecting them, and
   also for inserting the right char set when you send. Then you need
   an editor that can properly handle the "kinsoku shori" editing
   rules. Unicode isn't practical yet for Japanese because nearly
   everyone uses iso-2022-jp, not UTF.

   Anyway, EdMax and Datula work great with Japanese. I am using The
   Bat because it's an interesting program, not because it's the most
   practical for my real needs.

   Still haven't solved the message checking problem, though.

 John De Hoog, Tokyo

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