MDP> Except  that what is being requested here is the opposite. Those of us
MDP> who  have  been  on the list a while know that the lack of proper Mime
MDP> Digest  support  is one of Alex's chief complaints and his main reason
MDP> for  staying  with  the  'P'  program.

It's pretty much tops on my list, but since I've resubscribed to all
of my lists in non-digest mode, it doesn't presently matter all that
much.  ;)

MDP> This request is for *less* discrimination of digests than TB is
MDP> giving right now - to congeal a digest into a single, long
MDP> message, instead of breaking it into component attachments.

*I* would like it to burst digests into seperate messages.  That's one
of the things that I miss most about using Agent for email...  It
would burst all MIME-encapsulated text messages into seperate messages
(if you set the checkbox for that, that is), and it was really handy.

Side effect is that you end up with MIME-forwarded messages getting
burst.  Never bothered me, but it might bother some.

Perhaps a "Burst" option on each MIME message that you get?  A
right-click context menu sort of thing?

MDP> FWIW, if the attachments are content type Text then they should appear
MDP> as  Tabs  at  the bottom of the view window.

Never bothered to check, but they didn't show up as tabs, only as
attachments to the right of the "main" message that had the index.
Then you had to double click each one to read it; quite a pain to
double-click, close window, scroll bar, double click, read, close,
scroll, etc.

MDP> I have never wanted nor requested digests, preferring separate
MDP> and threaded messages.

So yeah, if you could have the program explode them for you, it
would help.  The net effect would be that you could get your
threading, but also download your mail faster.  That is, as long as
the Reply-To: was set properly (in digests that I've received, the
burst messages always have contained the original Reply-To as opposed
to what I'd want, the Reply-To: from the encapsulating message
overriding it...


Hopin' this said *something* useful, [EMAIL PROTECTED] out.

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