Hello Thomas Fernandez,
On Mon, 29 May 2000 21:22:38 +0800 GMT your local time,
which was Monday, May 29, 2000, 8:22:38 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Thomas Fernandez wrote:

> Hallo tracer,

> On Mon, 29 May 2000 19:13:43 +0700 GMT (05/29/2000, 20:13 +0800 GMT),
> tracer wrote:

TF>>>> anybody got an idea how to use another DUN connection?

t>> If your question is how to use a smtp which isnt specific to your
t>> logon, www.myrealbox.com has email accounts (free) which you could
t>> also use to roam as you have to use the smtp with pasword.
t>> My own server also uses this but it aint free....
t>> we have other advantages though but in any case I just download ALL
t>> mail whatever dialup I use..

> Thanks, but the question was rather referring to the logon itself,
> i.e. the local access numbers that IBM.net has in different countries.

> I got a reply which works but confuses me: Even though the dial-up
> monitor itself has a drop-down menu for the several DUN's I may have
> set up on my PC, changing anything there seems to have no effect
> whatsoever; I have to change it in Options/Network&Admin.

Only thing I can tell you here is that some Thai isp's still insist in
adding their dialup data to the normal networking control applet
causing in some cases a horrific mess.
Your dialups should NOT have anything in the networking part of the
control panel and if they do its from an isp which doesnt know how to
run an isp service.
Once you add one it can mess it up for all the others.

Anyway, on rereading your question I try to find this Options /
network &admin...
Where the heck IS it (g)??

Best regards,


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