On Thu, 10 Oct 2013 07:06:00 -0400, you wrote:

>10/10/2013  7:00 AM
>Hi Chris,
>On 10/10/2013 Chris Wilson wrote:
>CW> On Wed, 9 Oct 2013 07:37:45 -0400, you wrote:
>CW> Seeing as you are also a very long time user I wonder if you ever see
>CW> TB! crash and just close instantly on a certain rogue e-mail when
>CW> downloading off the server? I see this once a week or so and have to
>CW> ry and isolate it on the server. usually when ALL other mails are
>CW> downloaded the rogue one will download without an issue. I can see
>CW> nothing odd in the headers or they type of mail or mailer. Usually
>CW> they are addressed to me direct and for filtering into my peronal mail
>CW> folder. It can be a pain dealing with these. Deleting and recreating
>CW> the filter didn't help, nor did subtly changing its form. Thanks
>CW> again!
>Does it download OK if you remove the filter?

Good point, I will try that!! Thanks. Having other issues since
fitting a new drive and transferring the database manually, so I will
start another thread, using Agent now as a stop gap as I am mega busy
and daren't risk a total e-mail outage :( Cheers

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