Hello TBUD Listers,

Well, it's happened again.  Several months ago (after a TB upgrade IIRC)
roguemoticons and smileys stopped working.  This failure has finally reached the
point of annoyance where I feel the need to do something about it.  I scoured
the archives for about an hour looking for past correspondence (including my
own) relating to this problem as I had this same problem in the past.  I've
confirmed settings mentioned in the archives but still no luck.

If I send myself a message containing :-) it DOES show up as a smiley face.
However, if I send myself a message containing :banana: it simply shows up as
COLONbananaCOLON.  I think this corresponds to my no longer seeing country flags
in others messages.

Additionally, roguemoticons refuse to appear when it is obvious that the sender
has included his/her X-rouge jpg.  My ROGUES folder is contained here: 
Files (x86)\The Bat!\Images\Rogues and the ROGUES folder does contain images.

In a previous message Miguel (MAU) was kind enough to send these links to TB
settings for all this stuff:


but I don't know how to access the links.

So, I tried everything I could think of so that I wouldn't have to bother the
list again but... well, you know.

Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows 7 Pro ver 6 build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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