Hello MFPA,

On Wednesday, October 01, 2014 you wrote:

M> Hi

M> On Wednesday 1 October 2014 at 6:11:35 PM, in
M> <mid:1631746822.20141001121...@charter.net>, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

>> 1) Sometimes there's as much as a 10 second delay between clicking
>> on a message and having it appear in the message view pane.
>> Sometimes when this happens the "Title Bar" at the top (a new
>> cosmetic?) will show that TB is "not responding".  Even then the
>> message will eventually appear with no action taken on my part.
>> Clicking other messages will display them instantly and even
>> clicking back on the delayed message will have it appear
>> immediately.  No delay this time.  There doesn't seem to be any
>> pattern to this, it appears to be completely random.

M> When TB!  becomes unresponsive, is there a process running that is
M> tying up your processor?  Or is your anti-virus choking things up
M> by "deep-scanning", which Avast does for me from time to time?

Possibly.  Since this a brand new computer I don't really know what AV
ASUS might have running on it.  I'll check that.

M> And I have always had the Title Bar on TB!  windowa as well as most
M> others.

My v5.2 has a "Title Bar" composed only of the "flying bat" and the
words "The Bat!" at the far left.  The far right has simply the
Minimize, Maximize and X.

>> 2) The key block I saved from her original installation of 5.2 is
>> not being accepted by v5.8.8.  Curiously, when I click on
>> HELP/ENTER REGISTRATION CODE the first 56 characters of the 185
>> character code appears in the box where I would enter the whole key
>> block.

M> That is odd.  The box is blank for me, except when I have just
M> pasted in a code.

>> This happened the very first time I went to enter the code block.
>> I did have the entire 185 characters on the clipboard at the time
>> but never invoked the CTRL-V to paste it in.  Deleting those 56
>> characters and pasting the entire 185 characters into the box and
>> clicking OK yields an error message telling me that code's no good.

M> Maybe you could get help with that by emailing <off...@ritlabs.com> or
M> by submitting a ticket at <https://www.ritlabs.com/en/support/>.

M> I just searched my computer, and randomly seem to have a copy of
M> "thebat_pro_5-2-2.msi" that Windows tells me is about 16MB. No
M> guarantees its any good, but I could send it to you if you want. Maybe
M> that would accept your registration key.

I would forever be in your debt if you could send that to me.  It's
certainly worth a try.  Failing that I'll contact RIT Labs.

>> Lastly (and this is not related to TB!) apparently
>> there's a problem with ASUS laptops and Win 8 in that
>> the touchpad can't be disabled. If anyone has any info
>> on this I'd love to hear it.

M> A search engine suggested this thread
M> which seems to include some possible solutions.

I will look at this as soon as the new machine finishes downloading &
installing 8.1.

Thanks M.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows 7 Pro ver 6 build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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