Hello Paul,

On Friday, October 03, 2014 you wrote:

JSL>> In addition, you mentioned the possibility of the anti-virus (McAfee)
JSL>> hanging up the displaying of some messages when clicked on.  As an
JSL>> experiment, I disabled both the McAfee firewall (for 15 minutes) and
JSL>> the McAfee anti-virus.  It made no difference, some messages still
JSL>> suffer delays before displaying.  I was never a fan of McAfee and I
JSL>> don't know why.  I've always used AVG and never had a problem with it.
JSL>>  I'm considering removing McAfee from the computer and installing AVG.

JSL>> I have not yet tried any of the suggestions regarding disabling the
JSL>> touchpad as that is the least of my problems right now.  If I don't
JSL>> get her Bat! fixed, well, I try not to think of things like that.

PB> Before you tear your hair out, if you want to live dangerously, you
PB> might use Revo to do the full uninstall. From
PB> http://www.snapfiles.com/get/revouninstaller.html

PB> During the uninstall, you may get a pop-up from TheBat to interfere
PB> with the uninstall - just ignore and let Revo finish the job.

Thank you Paul.  Actually I've used Revo for years and never had a
problem with it.

Further experimentation leads me to believe that the
firewall/anti-virus has nothing to do with the problems I'm having so
I doubt I'll replace them with AVG for now.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows 7 Pro ver 6 build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 6.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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