On Thursday, September 14, 2000, 12:55:09 PM, you wrote:

DTS> What is it about HTML that
DTS> scares people so much.

Doesn't scare me at all - just a PITA :-).

DTS> It does not mean that I could put a jscript in
DTS> a message and nuke your system (well unless you run a windows product
DTS> :-).

Security is a big issue for me - hard to put something bad in just
text :-). Can't wait for all the new extensions - neither can the
hacker kid down the street<g>.

DTS> I cant understand the bandwidth argument.

I store messages of interest in a data base. Adding 12,000 bytes to a
970 byte message (the REAL content) takes up a lot of space.

DTS> Having the ability to send a message to our users with a toc at the
DTS> beginning of the note and links to other spots in the note is a great
DTS> feature.

Why not put in a link as text - works OK.

DTS> So why not just have it optional.  Do you think that because some TB
DTS> users don't like HTML it will stop?

Of course not - there are way too many people who value flash over
content. Besides, as we dumb-down the population, the pictures will
become even more important :-). "Mommy, what's a book?"

DTS> Isn't going to happen.  AND if you want TB to be successful and always
DTS> be at the top of the reviews it will be an important add-on.

If you want flash, get another product. I abandoned them to get TB
because it concentrates on things relating to CONTENT, not 'flash'.
Keep improving that, and keep security in mind, and it will be an even
better product. 

DTS> In fact
DTS> .. maybe it could be a add-on.

I'd rather the developers concentrate on things relating to CONTENT,
not 'flash'. No bloatware, please.

DTS> I do have one question though.  When email started there was no bold,
DTS> underline etc.  Should these simple features be removed?

Naaahhh - just use *this* for emphasis :-). I take it you understand
what that means, no?


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