Hi Januk,
(TB! AB Entry)

  On Thursday, January 04, 2001 18:26:17 -0800 you wrote the
  following in regards to "TB! v1.48f - ABxxxPPP problem":

>>    However, I have noticed that many of these problem replies are
>>    from eGroups but I don't see why that would make a difference to
>>    the ABxxxPPP macro assuming, of course, the person to whom I'm
>>    replying is entered in my AB.

Januk> It shouldn't matter.  E-groups doesn't change the From address.

  OK, here's the answer to this one. I have a group called "Mail
  Lists". In that group are AB entries containing the posting
  addresses of each of the mail lists I belong to. Each of those
  entries has a customized new msg & reply template.

  There is one subject where I rcv msgs from 3 different eGroups
  (Like TBUDL, TBETA, TBOT). I filter them all into a single
  subject folder. That folder also has a customized template. As
  best as I can make out, if there was a duplicate name or no AB
  entry that's when the conflict occurred.

  Since I have sort of a convoluted system, it took a while to
  track down the problem but I did that by identifying each
  template w a short descriptive line @ each level so I could
  see where TB! was pulling it's template from. (EX: TBUDL AB
  entry, TBETA AB entry, TBOT AB entry, TB! Folder) That's how I
  narrowed it down. As you can see @ the top of this msg the ID
  is (TB! AB Entry) so I know where the template came from the
  TBUDL AB entry as the order of precedence is AB, GROUP, FOLDER.
  Is that clear as mud? :-)

>>    Then I have groups. Some entries belong to several groups as for
>>    ex: Home, Home Xmas List. I enter them in the groups by using the
>>    add to groups dialogue @ the entry level.

Januk> Just to be 100% clear, you select an entry, edit properties and add
Januk> the groups, right?  Hmm, this gets stranger by the minute.

>>    If I do an F7 AB search
>>    on some of the names I have trouble with, search doesn't produce
>>    duplicates however those entries that belong to different groups
>>    appear on those lists.

Januk> Wait, I can't reproduce this part.  I created an address book with two
Januk> groups, both with "Hide items..." selected.  I then created some
Januk> entries in each of the two groups.  I made a couple of them members of
Januk> both groups.  The F7 search did not turn up multiple instances of any
Januk> one contact.

  I duplicated this. Create or add a name to your main address
  book via CTRL-W. Manually assign that entry to more than one
  group. Open Group I & you will find the name. The properties
  will show it belongs to group I & Group II. Open Group II & you
  will find the same name. The properties will show it belongs to
  group I & Group II. Neither entry shows up in the root AB.

  If you do a universal search (F7) of all ABs & groups, it will
  only return one AB entry, not two.

Januk> Check the properties of these entries, do they have all groups listed
Januk> in all the copies you see in the search result?

>>    So is this a duplicated entry & if so, how
>>    do I get around this.

Januk> It looks like this might be the culprit.  You could also uncheck "Hide
Januk> Items if not explicitly selected" and see if any duplicates appear in
Januk> the root list.

  Nope, the duplicates did not appear in root list.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
Using The Bat 1.49
PGP-Key 0x4C9CDF9D
ICQ 41116329

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