Friday, January 12, 2001, 9:44:58 PM, you wrote:

GD>> My goal is to be able to "feed" TB! messages to send without having to
GD>> run TB! with command line options to create/send this message for EACH
GD>> message I want to send.

JA> I'm not sure I'm understanding why the command line is not desirable.
JA> If I understand correctly (I probably don't), you are creating the
JA> message completely in your other program, and you want to import it
JA> into the outbox to send, right?  If that is the case, have you tried
JA> the /mail switch with the Text= option?

The thing is, I  may have dozens, if not more, messages to send at a
given time and I think it would be rather kludgy to run TB! each time
to send out each of the messages.

JA> If you don't mind sending the text file as an attachment, you could
JA> always call TB with the filename as a parameter,
JA> eg. "thebat.exe message.txt".

Yep, good idea if I were to mass mail everyone using the same text
body of the message, but I am not. :-(

JA> Are unique names used for the file names?  How much of the message is
JA> defined by the calling program (eg Headers, Body, etc)?

ALL of the message is defined by the calling program.  Yes, unique
names(filenames) are used.

JA> Could you create a folder with a template that includes a temp file,
JA> and use the /Focus option to use this folder from your calling
JA> program?  Then you'd just need some tiny txt file to drop into the
JA> folder to create a new message.

I am not sure I understand this last point.

Best regards,
 Gerry                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The Bat! v1.49

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