Hello list,

I hope someone can help me. I keep getting a message:
!4/9/2001, 22:08:27: FETCH - Connection to host broken (last commands sent were: "RETR 
2", "RETR 3")

This started about a week ago. When it happens, most of the mail from
the server is downloaded, but NONE is deleted and the next time it
checks mail, it will download the same messages, fails again and so the
cycle continues. It is definitely NOT the mail server, or the NIC in
my computer. I can use LookOut (Outlook) and it works fine from my
computer, and I can use the bat from another computer and it works
fine (on the same mail server). I backed up my mail, uninstalled the
bat and reinstalled and that fixed the problem. Then when I download
1.52beta4, it started again and even when I went back to 1.52beta3, it
is still happening.

Any one have any answers ??

The ULTIMATE security fix/patch for LookOut! and LookOut! Express ... 
The Bat! 1.51 ... Running on Windows NT 5.0 Service Pack 1

Thought / Fact / Joke of the day ....
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up atm.?

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