Tuesday, May 01, 2001, 9:42:55 AM, you wrote:

Ai> I always am...
Ai> I'm asking because more and more people I know are using TB!

But the problem is Ritlabs lack of response to known security issues.
Hackers will have a heyday with TB if Ritlabs continues to bury its
head in the sand instead of promptly addressing these issues.

One poster mentioned an undocumented registry hack would eliminate the
potential execution of the worm you brought to the list's attention.
If this is the case ( and I have no first hand knowledge that it is)
Ritlabs should have notified its clients and had a reg edit executable
on its site for download. It would be a no-brainer for any programmer
to crank out in a couple of minutes.

BM>> This PR fiasco will haunt them for a long time. My company has over
BM>> 100 computers with 30-35 running email clients (Eudora 303), I was
BM>> ready to purchase a TB site license until you, I believe, posted the

Ai> And now, I'm sorry you thought that... ;(

I'm very glad you did mention it. Your bringing this security issue
out in the light of day could save many folks a bunch of grief.

Ai> As for security and a lot more TB! is something that I longed for some
Ai> time in the past...

That's what I had in mind, TB is robust...I've sent 300MB attachments
from home to my office, and TB handled it as well or better than Eudora
303. But Ritlabs clearly isn't supporting its products in a very
aggressive manner at all.

They need to break into the US corporate market to get much attention
and become a major player. No matter if your selling paper clips or
computer chips...you need a strong presence in the US to be
successful. US corporations aren't exactly on a spending spree as it
is; I still use some machines operating Windows 3.11, so we all are
very leery of purchasing little known products from companies with
questionable support policies.

Ai> I'm just sorry that some made too much of mine comments... I just
Ai> wanted to say to be careful...

You did the right thing....exactly what I would have done. Sometimes a
few feathers get ruffled as the facts are put on the table, but that's

Thanks again,

 Ben                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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