Tuesday, May 08, 2001, 9:10:04 PM, Silviu wrote:

SC> What in the world is going on ?! Have the RIT guys flipped ?!

Doubtful, but a lot of users have probably flipped.  <g>

>From 1.51 to 1.52 is a **minor** version change.  For most users, there is
simply no justification in downloading it and installing it -- unless you
want to be constantly on the buggy, cutting edge of development.  I will
probably wait myself for at least version 1.6 -- and even that wouldn't
have a version number that would *make* me download it.  ^_^

Software construction is a trial and error process.  Many, many builds are
created.  The RIT people are apparently putting them all on the FTP site,
which is certainly okay, but most people have no business downloading them,
IMHO.  And when there is a letter designation at the end of a minor version
number, you need an *especially* good reason to install it.

You get a stable build, you stick with it until a version comes out that
has some improvement you just can't live without.  Even then, smart users
let the cutting edge people find the inevitable bugs before installing.
Installing every version you find on the FTP site is simply madness, AFAIC.
>From 1.51 to 1.52 is not going to improve your sex life. Pretty sure about
that.  And 1.52x to 1.52y is not likely help much either.




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