Hello Yuki,

On Tue, 8 May 2001 21:27:23 +0900 GMT (08/05/2001, 20:27 +0800 GMT),
Yuki Taga wrote:

YT> From 1.51 to 1.52 is a **minor** version change.

I think the Connection Center is a major change.

YT> For most users, there is simply no justification in downloading it
YT> and installing it -- unless you want to be constantly on the
YT> buggy, cutting edge of development.

This is generally true. But how about new users who download for the
first time from the official page and get a buggy "new features"

Shouldn't all 1.52 a...f...z versions be on the beta page only for

YT> Software construction is a trial and error process.

If that were true, software engineering would be in deep trouble. No,
it is not trial and error. An engineering-style approach to software
development prevents this.

YT> From 1.51 to 1.52 is not going to improve your sex life. Pretty sure about
YT> that.

You are right. How did you know that?

YT>  And 1.52x to 1.52y is not likely help much either.

Really? In that case, what is the improvement? ;-)



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