Wednesday, May 09, 2001, 1:34:28 AM, IronHand wrote:

I> Just curious: what does '<g>' mean?

It means 'grin'.

>> Software construction is a trial and error process.

I> There is nothing like finished program, so You want us think, that every
I> program is a trial verion? Cute! ;)))

Few programs other than the most trivial are ever "finished" anymore.  Yes,
I'm afraid that every piece of software you buy or use is essentially a
beta that someone in authority has decided is good enough to call a
release.  Only people who don't code -- and I mean seriously code -- can
possibly accept the idea that all software isn't trial and error.  If not,
can you please explain the term "beta tester", then?  <g>

>> You get a stable build, you stick with it until a version comes out that
>> has some improvement you just can't live without.

I> Well I can live without CC, but it's quite handy. It only looks bad. :(

>> Installing every version you find on the FTP site is simply madness, AFAIC.

I> Why? Driving while beeing drunk is a madness. Using Outlook Express is
I> an insanity. But downloading every version on program XXX means, that
I> You like it.

It also means you don't mind bugs, because they're going to be there.  So
it means you don't fear data loss, or whatever.  Madness in my book, sorry.

I> And thats why I download every single version.

You're a busy fellow.  ^_^




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