Hello Sergey,

SS>> The problem may be caused by your POP server that attaches
SS>> different Message-IDs at different sessions or otherwise
SS>> modify In-Reply-To fields etc. Thus, the messages are not
SS>> from the same thread any more:(

SK> Sorry for such a huge quantity of numbers.

<quite impressive data skipped>

SK> One more thing to viewing messages in threads. Trying to find
SK> the best way to do it I've noticed that when I check View By
SK> Reference sometimes I get in the same thread messages with
SK> different subjects, let alone those Message-ID's,
SK> In-Reply-To's, References.

SK> I'm thinking of a kind of bug. 

Guess you're right:( I've looked into my threads after your msg
and it seems a bit strange from time to time:(

Best regards,
 Serge Skorokhodov                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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