Hi, Thomas,

Thanks for your reply.
What is PC-Cillin? I assume it's a program much like other virus
scanners. We do have Antiviral Toolkit Pro installed and it might
cause something similar. However, we lost approximately 2 gigs of
messages physically, that is there was no trace whatsoever of any
files, quarantined or not. Then the issue of an existing bug is still

Thanks again,

TF> Hi List,

TF> I am following up on an old threat, because the mystery of the
TF> disappearing mails (who message.tbb file) has just been solved. It is
TF> *not* a TB bug.

TF> Fullquote to follow (to remind everybody of the problem), and after
TF> that the explanation why the folder disppeared, and how to make it
TF> re-appear.

TF> On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 11:28:30 +0800GMT (26/06/2001, 11:28 +0800GMT),
TF> Thomas F wrote:

TF>> Hi David,

TF>> On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 14:22:50 -0400GMT (26/06/2001, 02:22 +0800GMT),
TF>> David Robert Austen wrote:

DRA>>> Everything in my BAT InBox has disappeared again (except very latest
DRA>>> download).

TF>> Same here. Not the Inbox, but one of my folders. The file messages.tbb
TF>> has vanished. The file messages.tbi told me that there were 5 news
TF>> messages in there. That was last Thursday. I hadn't done any compress
TF>> or purge action.

TF>> Today, upon startup, same folder, new problem: both files (*.tbb and
TF>> *.tbi) gone.

TF>> I have now deleted the folder, and created a new one. Weird it is
TF>> indeed. See my version in the sig; stand-alone. Never had this problem
TF>> before. Happened only with one folder out of 22 in one of my 8
TF>> accounts, so I didn't report it as a bug. Let's see whether it happens
TF>> again tomorrow morning, after I have now re-created the folder.

TF> And this is the explanation: I save attachments in message body. One of
TF> these attachments contained a virus. At the time I received the email
TF> with the attachment (embedded in a legitimate .doc file), this virus
TF> was not known to PC-Cillin, so it got saved to disk. (I apparently
TF> didn't read the Word file ... ;-))

TF> Now, after update of PC-Cillin, the real-time scan will detect this
TF> virus in the file messages.tbb and of course quarantine the whole file
TF> - put the complete folder's message base under arrest. The file
TF> message.tbb is quarantined, and TB has no access any more.

TF> How to get it back:

TF> 1.) After closing TB, restore the file messages.tbb from "quarantined"
TF> to normal status from within PC-Cillin. It will be put back right
TF> where it belonged, but with and including the virus.

TF> 2.) Shut off PC-Cillin. This is to avoid PC-Cillin quarantining the
TF> file again while you at it in the following steps.

TF> 3.) Open TB, mark all messages (by way of context menu) and export
TF> them as *.msg files. In my case, I had 1376 individual *.msg files in
TF> my Windows\tmp directory now.

TF> 4.) Open PC-Cillin, scan the tmp directory. The email with the virus
TF> will be indified (virus detected in file 0000128.msg) - and
TF> quarantined.

TF> 5.) Restore the quarantined file right away.

TF> 6.) Open the file in a text viewer. (You cannot do that if you don't
TF> resotre it.) Print the headers out, as these give you the means to
TF> identify the message from within TB.

TF> 7.) Shut down PC-Cillin.

TF> 8.) Open TB, delete the email which you have identified with the
TF> headers, and compress the folder (so that it is really deleted).

TF> 9.) Delete the *.msg file in the tmp directory, so that the virus is
TF> off your computer.

TF> 10.) Restart PC-Cillin. Run a virus check. Everything is fine now. The
TF> folder does not contain the offending virus any more and will not be
TF> quarantined any more.

Best regards,
 Stanislav                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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