Hello ETM,

1. december 2001, 21:32:25, you wrote:

> I have about 3 Gig of email in my OE.  Can that be imported into the BAT?
> Is there any size limitation, beyond my own PC, to mail held in the BAT?

I don't know about any size limitation, but I do find The Bat faster
with large amounts of messages than OE. I remember that OE became very
slow (up to 5 seconds to open) with around 500 messages in one folder,
while TB displays folder with 6000 messages (threaded) in 2 seconds on
my computer (AMD 800, 256 MB ram).

Note that on importing, you may loose some messages - when I went from
OE to TB, I had about 5000 messages there, and I found 4 messages

> I tend to use mail as a filing system, maintain many folders/filters (and
> successfully set them up this morning in the BAT and they are properly
> working).  OE permits searching from the top or from the individual folders
> using simple search terms and different fields.  Is there a similar search
> capability for mail filed in the BAT?

TB has search capactibility for either one folder (with or w/o
subfolders), whole account or all accounts. You can choose where to
search, but you can't define separate strings to search for in
different fields (the string will be searched for in all selected
fields). You can use & and | as boolean search operators, or use
regular expressions for advanced searches. See Tools -> Search for
more info.

> In regard to the BAT's treatment of attachments, I have always filtered
> attachments in OE as a protective mechanism because of its vulnerabilities
> to problems.  From one point I could more effectively handle treatment of
> attachments.  How does the BAT handle attachments, especially problem
> attachments?  I noticed that ZA renamed/disarmed an attachment downloaded
> into BAT this AM, but wasn't positive that the mail program itself also
> hadn't done something to render the attachment harmless.

TB doesn't change the attachments. It won't execute them
automatically, and will warn you if the attachment is potentially

> I use Win98SE, will probably remain with IE5.50, although I might experiment
> with Opera, and maintain an AV program and use Zone-Alarm-Pro since I am on
> cable connection.

I replaced ZoneAlarm with Tiny Personal Firewall, because:
- ZoneAlarm took too many resources
- I didn't like it's yellow color :)

And I'm a long time Opera user (since 3.50). I just can't browse
without MDI anymore :)

Jernej Simoncic, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ: 26266467

[The Bat! v1.54 Beta/14 on Windows 98 4.10.67766222. ]

Always remember to pillage before you burn.
       -- Attila's Instruction

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