Hello  Roelof,

Thanks  for  for  your suggestion - a valuable one which I will most likely use.
But  the  problem  I was trying to describe is one of screen behavior. Perhaps I
might make myself more clear this way

1 Click reply and new window pops up with template and quoted message. More text
than fits on single screen so scroll slider appears on RHS

2 block unwanted text and delete

3 screen now shows text with cursor at point where text was BUT at top of screen
and  no  RHS  slider  (because  TB!  has correctly worked out that whole message
should  now  fit  on screen). This means very little of message visible and vast
white space below

4 to edit text above cursor point operator must scroll up using cursor keys

Like  I  said  not  a  major  problem for myself (though annoying) but when folk
unfamiliar  with  computers  (eg  office  staff with only basic computer skills)
encounter it they can get confused.

Thursday, February 28, 2002,
3:51:05 AM, you wrote:

RO> I'm not sure whether I understand you correctly. When replying to a
RO> message, your cursor starts under the quoted message?
RO> In that case it's easy, use the %cursor macro to define the place
RO> where you'd like to start typing. Your reply template should look

-- Best Sandy

regards, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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