Hello Jon,

On Tuesday, April 2, 2002, at 08:46:42 AM (-0700), you wrote the following:

> In Outlook, mine were sorted by "Received". Also, do you have new
> emails appearing at the top or the bottom of the email window?

I think it is generally accepted that within a thread, the newest postings
are at the bottom; Starts with the original posting followed by the
Replies in chronological order.

You can view threads by 'Subject' or 'References' if sorted by Date, but
the view by references is a little clunky because TB will shove your
entire columns heading right off the right side of the screen. I wish
RITLabs would look at the way Becky handles this and do something similar.

>   One thing that is puzzling me...the Received time sometimes shows
>   the date aswell...why only sometimes? And can this cause problems
>   when sorting?

No, it doesn't cause any sorting problems. You can control that behaviour
under Options/Preferences/Message List. Just uncheck the two boxes that
allow for a different time/date display for messages arriving on the
current day or week.

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