Hello Allie,

On Tuesday, April 2, 2002, at 02:59:51 PM (-0700), you wrote:

> Options/Preferences/Message List/Automatically Adjust List Column for
> threaded view.

> Disable this option and your columns will stop being shoved off the
> edge of the screen.

Yes, but I still believe RimArts performs the same thing in a much cleaner
manner. I will post a PNG on TBOT (which I will have to re-join) to show
you what I mean. Trying view by references with TB I am finding myself
constantly having to click the little boxes with pluses in them, and it
requires a certain amount of fiddling with the size of the "Message Flag"
icon. Mind you, that is more a reflection of my small screen...which also
in part explains why I prefer the way Becky handles it.

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