Hello Dierk,

> As for the respect. I use a version that can not be downloaded
> directly from RITLabs' site because it has one or two fixes which are
> only needed under certain circumstances (something to do with PGP,
> particularly CKT). If one doesn't have a problem one won't ask for it
> and may not have access to it.

Is CKT PGP the only thing broken in 1.60c? Yeah, I know the answer: we
are all equal but some people is more equal than others.

> From what I have seen here about subsequent versions, I venture to say
> that they, too, are targeted at a very special group of people - it
> could even be a group with only one member.

He is probably more equal than the group that is more equal than
others. I call that "lack of respect".

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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