Hello Mandara,

Wednesday, April 24, 2002, 11:27:50 AM, you wrote:

M> My deep apologies to all if I said anything incorrect above. Off
M> course I'll have nothing against if I said correct things. Also I
M> am ready to take any responsibility if I said anything partially
M> [in]correct. I'm always ready to change my opinion if is not in
M> tune with reality.

To provide clarity to you. My comment was NOT directed at you. It was
more of general comment in response to subject matter within the body
of this sub-thread which is respect, or lack there of.

M> I agree with all what You said and believe in it. Let's share our
M> resources of knowledge and education in a noble manner, as always.

Absolutely, but it must be shared with respect. Learning and knowledge
is obtained with effort, and can be made easier with respect.

>From my experience in life the 2 most important aspects of human
interaction is to have a basis upon which 1) trust, & 2) respect can
be earned. I made my initial comment in this sub-thread because IMHO
this basis did NOT exist in some of TB! lists.

Best regards,
 Greg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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