On Monday, May 06, 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...

> Although Bat does not filter messages at the server nor at the
> entrance gate, it turns out that using Dispatch mail on Sever comand
> is far more efficient than using the www.spamkiller.com .

> 1º The bat does the job of downloading the headers in a ratio of 100
>    to 1 faster.

The Dispatch Mail tool requests only headers... well... it has to view
all the email, but it only pulls the headers into your view.  Try
reading a pop3 server account that has over 300 emails sitting on it,
and several of the files are over 3 meg... it takes it's time ;)  But
that I don't mind :)

> 2º The Bat does not download nothing. Only the Headers. I found out
>    through the Mcafee Scanner that Spamkiller do download. At least I
>    saw a virus sitting on its temps file as it downloaded.

When trying to deal with spam, programs such as SpamKiller try to
match text in the body as well as the header... to match it in the
body, it has to download the whole email.

> 3. You just use Dispatch Mail on Sever of the Bat, sort by size of the
>    message. Kill the target range. (I sense virus by the subjet and by
>    the weigth in KB)

> That is all, and it turns out, that you save a lot of time. Let see
> when Mcafee integrates the spamkiller into their product line.

I still use procmail at home.  I've cut 99% of the spam out of all my
folders before I even look at my emails.  It all gets dumped into
/spam and then I review it once a week.  Anything that gets
miss-dumped, I read the headers (I put in an extra header to show what
got matched)... and tweak the rules.  But that is at home.  For work,
I just have to live with it... I've started setting up spam rules for
TB! now too.

Jonathan Angliss

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