Hello Marck!

On Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 1:24:29 AM you wrote:

> You've left out buggy, anomalous and incomplete.

Marck, without wanting to start the discussion again, I have to say
that your statement is plainly unfair.

Yes, like all complex software there are still bugs in Opera - like we
see in in TB!
Yes, particularly the UI (and some other implementations) are
anomalous - like TB!
Yes, there are things missing (especially DOM) - like TB! misses some
features other clients have.

Some of these issues are concept-based - like with TB! There are
always discussions going on what Opera should do and how to do it.
Like with TB!

I work with Opera for a much longer time then with TB! and have yet to
find a real "showstopper" (except for certain bugs that were corrected
in a few days - like with TB!). Actually there are only two sites I
know of - and have been to a few times (meaning they are
"interesting") - that I have difficulties using Opera with: TB! FAQ
and another one that is built with MS Java Engine and a very stupid
incorporation of JavaScript to show some pictures.

I can understand your preferences to ease up the programming of the
FAQ - and have never been written against it - but don't blame Opera
the way you do it for being in development (DOM) or certain concept

> I agree with all that you say about its speed and security, but
> flexibility? No. It has an incomplete DOM implementation, no local
> cookies in JavaScript and no local parameter passing with URLs.
> All-in-all a non-starter for intelligent pages. Other anomalies will
> also have to be ironed out before Opera can really be counted as
> "mainstream", however large or enthusiastic the user base. Sorry.

That sounds a lot like arguments I have seen here about TB! not being
a usable e-mail client because it doesn't support certain features
(GET!) OE has ...

Like TB! Opera will never been mainstream as long as OE/OL comes "for
free" with every PC sold at ALDI, WalMart or whatever your favourite
discounter is. Actually the user-base for Opera is a bit wider than
TB!'s because they use different marketing schemes including a
banner-showing "free" version.

TMK and E, IE is much buggier and incomplete (sorry for the bad
grammar) than Opera; I've always had/have much more problems with
Netscape (4.5 and above) and have yet to see a final of Mozilla, which
has been reported to be very buggy and sluggish.

To conclude: Nothing against your decision of using DOM, especially
since you incorporated a HTML version for Opera users and a PDF for
off line reading. But don't denigrate a good programme that
absolutely. Remember, TB! can be assailed the same way. ;-)

Dierk Haasis

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