On Wednesday, May 22, 2002, 10:33:29 PM, Jonathan Angliss wrote:

>> > I dare say if the developers removed it, it'd knock the exe size down by
>> > maybe 50kb... hardly bloat seeing the size out Outlook Express' exe
>> > file... 
>> You are comparing apples and oranges... an Editor feature to an entire
>> Application... hardly a fair comparison. 

> I understand that... but I'm sure there are a few unneeded facilities in OE that
> aren't needed, that could trim off a fair size, like it's HTML (sending, and
> displaying).  TB! SmartBat is tiny from what I can see... it's just a form, with
> a text box on it.  Bloatware it is not ;)

Why is there an OE supporter even subscribed to this list?? :]


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