Hello Miguel,

On Tue, 2 Jul 2002 09:30:27 +0200 GMT (02/07/02, 14:30 +0700 GMT),
Miguel A. Urech wrote:

MAU> That's hard coded in my signature, no macro. I'm actually using...
MAU> what version am I using? ;-)

>From your own header: X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.60c) Business

MAU> I decided I will not upgrade any further until there is an stable
MAU> version. Where, to me, "stable" means it has not changed in a couple
MAU> of months.

I think 1.53t has beeb stable for a couple of months.... I am using
1.60q, the latest release version, as it has been properly beta-tested
(and *approved* for release by the beta crowd!), and it actually *is*
very stable. ;-)



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

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under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current Ver: 1.60q
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