Hello Greg,

MAU>> I decided I will not upgrade any further until there is an stable
MAU>> version. Where, to me, "stable" means it has not changed in a couple
MAU>> of months.
> From my LIMITED experience with TB! it will be a long wait before the
> version has NOT changed. <g> What can I say TB! is a good email
> program. After all you the one who talked me into TB!. <g>
> I can understand how you feel though. IIRC it was quite a while before
> I saw an official message on what all the upgrades were for with 1.60.
> I don't know about you, but I at least like to know what I'm upgrading
> for.

I guess that if I ever want to upgrade to a newer version I will have
to change my definition of "stable" to "has not changed in a couple of

I see that 1.60q/Post5 has just been released :-(

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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