On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:54:00 PM, Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

MDP> You have a default address book. That's what's used for
MDP> resolution of the macros.

Is there a way to make TB use a specific AB in a macro? Something like
%Ab*trekker*TOLastName, eg?

DW>> I suppose it would work better if I had the people in the
DW>> "Trekker" book in the same AB as everyone else, & then created a
DW>> Trekker group, rather than a Trekker AB -

MDP> Yes, yes, YES! That's by far the best way to do it.

DW>> but that has drawbacks of its own :-(

MDP> It needn't. Subvert one of the unused fields (the AB has *many*)  to
MDP> provide the extra information used by the Trekker group and use the
MDP> appropriate %AB macro to pull it out into your mass mailing. You'll
MDP> love it! ;-).

That still leaves me with the extra entries in the main view of the
personal AB though.

Is there a time wheen you *would* recommend the use of more than one
AB then?


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