Hi James,

On Sunday, September 29, 2002 12:52 your local time, (22:37 my local
time), you [JS] wrote:

JS> New wish list item for consideration...or is it necessary? I
JS> really miss an old "Watch Thread" feature that I think I came
JS> across first in XNews.

IMO, RITLabs should consider improving TB! in areas like these,
instead of more market oriented functionality like the ability to
compose HTML messages. Regarding 'Watch Thread', yes it's a valuable
feature but I would consider 'Ignore Thread' more important.

JS> I'd be happy with just a predefined color group, highlighting
JS> those messages. A filter won't do since one would have to create
JS> conceivably hundreds over the course of time.

At the moment, I have a filter setup to play a sound and highlight
messages that are replied to me.

be well,
Sudip Pokhrel             |    /"\
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TB! v1.61 on XP Pro|
P4-1.6Ghz 256MB RAM|

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