On Sunday, September 29, 2002, James Senick wrote:

J> Hello Batters,

J> New wish list item for consideration...or is it necessary?  I
J> really miss an old "Watch Thread" feature that I think I came
J> across first in XNews.

The "Watch Thread" feature has been in news readers long pre-dating

J> For lists, I'd really like to be able to highlight incoming messages
J> of a thread interesting or important to me.

It's been expressed many times on the list that people essentially want
to bring the functionality of news readers to mailing lists. Outwardly,
the newsgroups and mailing lists are very similar, but the guts of how
news and email work are very different, making it not a trivial task to
add some of a news readers functionality to a mailer. Nevertheless, I
expect we will see such functionality added to mailers in the near
future. Whether it appears in the TB, I think might depend on whether
RIT Labs decides to add or incorporate a news reader.

J> Perhaps some would like the option to have a sound alert or pop-up
J> notification when a new message to a 'watched' thread was received.

I imagine some would like the option and some would like it only if it
is optional.

J> I'd be happy with just a predefined color group, highlighting those
J> messages.

As you mention in another message, what you're thinking of is scoring,
not watching. A simple highlighting or flagging would be doable if TB
could keep a setting for thread - for example, a mark thread flagged
option would flag incoming as well existing messages in the thread.
However, I've seen news readers - which are designed to handle such
processing - have trouble with consistently applying thread settings to
new messages in a thread, so I'd guess its not as easy to do as it might

The Bat! 1.61 (reg)
Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222

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