Hello Marck,

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 at02:18:50[GMT +0100](which was 02:18 where I live)
you wrote:


RW>> ... The messages from TB! still remain missing. after years of
RW>> never losing a message I have 3 in the space of 24 hours. A bit
RW>> worrying, especially when my other programme copes perfectly
RW>> well.

MDP> Then the only explanation is a difference in configuration - you
MDP> have TB set up to send the message to the wrong server or are
MDP> putting invalid addresses into the messages in TB such that TB
MDP> considers them valid but the SMTP relay server encounters a
MDP> non-permanent failure and puts the messages into a retry queue.

No, addresses fine and messages normal text. It's my misunderstanding
of the rules and their hierarchy :-(

Best regards,


Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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