
VN> When I try to send emails, I sometimes get an error message saying -
VN> Server reply: relaying denied? This seems to be happening only
VN> recently since I got my broadband connection (Ethernet connection via
VN> T1/ATM to campus network).

This is the result of an anti-spam mechanism, to stop what is called "open
relaying".  Open relaying is when anyone can post email through the server,
to any other destination.  Spammers use this to get a multipying effect, so
they can send to more people, quicker.  They also use it to try to hide
their original location.

The solution is to limit email posting to a server for only those who are
"authorized".  Authorization can come from different mechanisms.  Three
mechanisms are quite common:

           One is the"pop before smtp" hack.

           Another is SMTP Auth.

           Another is coming in over an authenticated SSL connection.

TB! appears to support all of these, so the question is what your server

The "From" and "Sender" fields are not important.  Servers do not use them
for authentication.  They are too easy to forge.

In some systems, only users who are "local" to the server may post.  This
requires that their IP address be on the same network as the server.  Such
servers will not permit posting by anyone who is traveling or is otherwise
outside the home network.  Any server run in this sort of simplistic way is
utterly useless for anyone who works in multiple locations and/or who

The problem with running an SMTP server on your own machine is that you have
then made yourself into an ISP.  That is, you must have very good, full-time
access.  SMTP is a utility service and needs to be run accordingly.  It is
not reasonable to expect individual users to have the connectivity or the
operational environment that keeps email transport reliable and efficient.

  Dave Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Brandenburg InternetWorking <>

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