Friday, October 25, 2002, 1:50:55 PM, you wrote:

DG> Friday, October 25, 2002, 3:13:31 PM, Paul wrote:

>> I just ran into another "issue about the users, etc. I created a GROUP (
>> networking-groups. set a password, restarted TB and logged into that
>> group. my addressbook was no more. empty. Of course I had a backup, and
>> it was probably still there under the admin login, but this sure seems
>> like an awful lot of trouble and problems to make 2 users happy.
>> so how do you have TB setup for 2 users on XP???

DG> I actually haven't done any TB setup for the 2 users. I have 3
DG> user accounts on XP: Administrator (default administrator acct),
DG> d (myself), and k (my SO). All three users have administrative
DG> privileges in Windows. I installed TB as Administrator in order
DG> that TB would appear in the Start Menu for All Users. When XP is
DG> logged in as d or as k, each XP user has their own individual TB
DG> mail store, accounts, & address book. As TB stores that info in
DG> HKEY_CURRENT_USER, no other "user" setup was necessary in TB,
DG> it's merely using the separate Windows users accounts for
DG> separate TB user accounts.

I think this throws some light on the problem I posted to the group a
few days ago, in which all my mail seemingly disappeared once I
happened to check my mail while logged in as a Windows admin, and then
tried to look at the mail when logged in later as a Power User. The
fact that separate Windows logins, as you have, causes TB to act like
separate users, is probably why my PU couldn't read the mail which had
been downloaded as Admin. Once I check my mail as Admin, it seems like
TB considers the mail folders to be 'owned', as it were, by the Admin.
No other user can work with them properly any more.(You'll recall that
I was using the same mail store folder here, because I'm the only one
using my computer; not separate mail folders like you and your wife

DG> I think most of the discussion in this thread has been about
DG> having multiple TB users all using the same Windows user. I know
DG> nothing about setting that up as my SO & I have always used
DG> separate Windows logins. When Hans talked about permissions
DG> errors for separate TB users operating under separate Windows
DG> logins, I assume the problem is because the non-administrative
DG> Windows logins do not have sufficient permissions to write to the
DG> mail store. That is why I suggested granting those non-admin
DG> Windows users "full control" permission for the mail store
DG> folder. That way the users could continue to have limited rights,
DG> but have sufficient permissions on the mail store folder to write
DG> to it.

This suggestion actually does not work. I did try giving both my Admin
and PU Windows accounts full control over the MAIL folder. It doesn't
solve anything, and once I check my mail as Admin everything is
screwed up.


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