Bonjour Roelof,

Le mardi 29 octobre 2002 à 22:58:47, vous écriviez :

RO> Hallo François,

RO> On Tue, 29 Oct 2002 22:14:19 +0100GMT (29-10-02, 22:14 +0100GMT, where
RO> I live), you wrote:

FP>> * rtf itself is a thing of the past, since M$ itself is switching
FP>> to XML

RO> Why are you both bashing Microsoft and stating that they're the
RO> standard everyone should adhere too?

Don't undersqtand what you mean.

RO> Do you consider plain text a thing of the past too, since Microsoft
RO> has switched to Word?

Microsoft invented rtf and is leaving it now, in profit of XML. So it is a thing of the
As far as I know, plain text as not been invented by M$, so whatever
M$ is doing regarding it doesn't make a thing of the past of it.

RO> BTW Who invented XML?

I have no stock-option at w3c.
I have used increasingly XML for 3 years now in many kind of projects
(from paper print to web) and believe it is a
pivotal language that solves not any but a great deal of problems
attached to older languages.
Among them is use of UTF-8 that would avoid many troubles in e-mail
with foreign accents.

 François                            mailto:fpti@;

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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