Hello Melissa Reese,

On or about Friday, December 13, 2002 at 12:24:41GMT -0800 (which
was 3:24 PM in the tropics where I live) Melissa Reese scrawled;

MR> As I mentioned, regardless of the number of users of one
MR> method or the other, I still feel that "OpenPGP" is a more
MR> *reliable standard* than S/MIME. Just look at how TB! handles
MR> S/MIME differently than does Microsoft. It doesn't even
MR> matter which is "correct" or which is not. The fact that by
MR> simply switching one's preference for implementation method
MR> can yield the opposite verification result ("valid" vs.
MR> "invalid") shows that there is *not* a "standard" at work
MR> here.

Regardless of which S-Mime implementation I use, Victor's (Comodo
Class 3) certificate shows as invalid.  Simon's (Certum Level I)
only shows valid under the internal implementation. Under the
Micro$haft implementation it is 'invalid' (why should I be

This is why I refuse to use any M$ mailer 'product' for my
systems.  Standards should be standards (unless you are
MicroShaft)! This just doesn't work for me......

Warmest tropical wishes,

Flying in the stratosphere with The Bat! V1.61 on
Windows 2000 Vers. 5 0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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