
Before the 'you're a dunce' comments start I already know!

I have directories on my system with lots of old mail from earlier
versions of TB! but these directories are only the MAIL files, the
executable and general installation files have been deleted. I have a
spanking new (well a couple of monthes old actually) installation of
TB! 1.62 xmas edition which I use daily. Now I've always been a bit
blase with my mail and haven't done proper TB! administered backups.
So now what I want to do is access the mail in the old mail folders. I
have looked at Synchronistaion - but that doesn't work because the
actual installation files of the old mail have been removed. I have
looked at Restore - but that doesn't work because I didn't backup the
files with TB!. I have also just tried creating a new account with the
relevant name (i.e. the name of the directory of the mail I want to
see) and TB! tries its best to read the mail but gets a bit confused -
using directory names of existing accounts rather than the ones which
are in the new directory. So i want to know is this old mail lost
(theres 500mb of it!), corrupted, regainable or what - am i being
stupid (still) and if any of the above is true have I learnt my lesson
about being a little more careful with my mail archive (yes!).

any help would be gratefully appreciated


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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