Hello Steve and other TB! listers following this thread, 

On Friday, July 18, 2003 at exactly 7:47:45 AM, Steve wrote about
"Trouble managing threads" and said the following:

SMS> I don't want to delete the entire folder, just all the messages in it.
SMS>  If I mark all messages as read, can I then somehow delete them?  I
SMS>  tried ctrl-del from within the folder message list, but nothing
SMS>  seemed to happen.

It doesn't matter if the messages are marked as read or not. All you
have to do is select them and hit delete. You may get a menu asking
you to confirm the deletion and it may take a while for them to
disappear if you're deleting a lot of messages &/or youg computer is
slow, but they SHOULD delete, which puts them in the Trash folder
(there's a way to wipe them directly but I don't recall the command
for it) so you'll have to do it again from there (the Trash folder).

You can also right click on the selected messages and select delete
from the pop-up menu. If it doesn't respond, do it again - until it
does what you're telling it to do.

After you do this, it's a good idea to compress your folders,
because otherwise the deleted messages are still taking up space in
your message data base.



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